Medicine Safety and You

Doctor and nurse with an elderly woman

Become a well-informed patient and an active participant in your healthcare plan.

Medicines can help you manage chronic conditions, avoid illness, or reduce symptoms associated with a disease. By learning more about the appropriate and safe use of a medicine, its benefits, and potential side effects, you can become an active participant in discussions held by your healthcare team.

Here are a few tips to help you become a well-informed patient:

  • Ask your physician what to expect from your medicine: Such as what side effects may occur, whether any follow-up testing or monitoring will be needed, and when to expect an improvement
  • Read the label and follow instructions: Pay attention to warnings about both major and minor side effects. Notice instructions concerning mixing medicines and avoiding certain activities while you’re using them
  • Know your medicine: Know the names and dosages of all the medicines you take and the conditions they treat
  • Remember your healthcare history: Inform your physician of prior allergies, sensitivities, or side effects experienced
  • Follow the timing and dosage instructions on your prescription: Consult with your physician if you have doubts or concerns
  • Keep track of a medicine’s effects on your body and mind: Write down any changes and consult your physician

Have questions?
View these frequently asked questions about patient medication.